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All technology primary resources

Ada Lovelace primary resource

Discover interesting facts about the ‘computer programmer’ who was ahead of her time…

World Wide Web primary resource

Learn all about Tim Berners-Lee and his world-changing creation
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The invention of the camera primary resource

Learn about the different stages of development in camera technology

Recycling Primary Resource

Find out what happens to the things in your bin, and why it makes sense to recycle…

The Invention of the Aeroplane Primary Resource

Find out about the key events in the history of the aeroplane

Robot designs primary resource

Discover the robots of the future and where we may see them

Kangaroo robot primary resource

Learn about how nature can inspire technology

All culture primary resources

Recycling Primary Resource

Find out what happens to the things in your bin, and why it makes sense to recycle…

Ada Lovelace primary resource

Discover interesting facts about the ‘computer programmer’ who was ahead of her time…

World Wide Web primary resource

Learn all about Tim Berners-Lee and his world-changing creation

The Invention of the Aeroplane Primary Resource

Find out about the key events in the history of the aeroplane

Robot designs primary resource

Discover the robots of the future and where we may see them

Kangaroo robot primary resource

Learn about how nature can inspire technology

The invention of the camera primary resource

Learn about the different stages of development in camera technology
National Geographic Kids Logo

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