Spooky season is here – and with it, loads of snacks, silly costumes and creepy decorations. Want to join in the fun, but need things to be simple? Then we’re here to help! These four Halloween crafts for kids are easy to make and perfect for creating together, whether you’re preparing for a terror-ific family tea or an epic kids’ Halloween party!

Crunchy monster munchies!

Halloween crafts for kids | a piece of apple about a quarter of the size of the whole has a slit cut into it. In the slit is a slice of strawberry, point downwards to look like a tongue. Pumpkin seeds have been stuck to the edges of the slit using peanut butter, to look like teeth. Above the slit, on the side of the apple, two blueberries have been attached with peanut butter to look like eyes.

What you need:

Apples; sunflower seeds; smooth peanut butter; strawberries and blueberries.

How to do it:

  1. 1. Cut an apple into quarters. Lay each quarter on a flat side and carve a mouth shape into the middle of the edge with skin on.
  2. 2. That’s the chopping out of the way, so grab your kids to poke some sunflower seeds into the top of the mouth for teeth.
  3. 3. Next, add a smear of peanut butter to the bottom of the mouth. Got allergies? Another kind of smooth nut butter, sweet spread or soft cheese would work just as well.
  4. 4. Stick a slice of strawberry in for a tongue.
  5. 5. Ask your little ones to find the most eyelike blueberries in the pack, then glue these into place with a blob of peanut butter. Ta-dah! A horrible (but healthy) snack.

Brain-boggling alien eggs!

how to make alien eggs | a blue plate with six eggs marbled in different colours on it

What you need:

Hard-boiled eggs (cooled); food colourings; ziplock bags and a teaspoon.

How to do it:

  1. 1. Place the hard-boiled eggs on a solid surface and make cracks in their shells by hitting them firmly with a teaspoon on all sides.
  2. 2. Put each egg in a separate ziplock bag and sprinkle a few drops of food colouring on top. Then fasten the bags.
  3. 3. Gently move the eggs around in the bag so the surface gets covered with food colouring.
  4. 4. Leave the eggs soaking in the colour for about 10 minutes. Pale colours may need longer.
  5. 5. Open the bags, rinse off the eggs, then leave them to dry.
  6. 6. Gently peel off the shell to reveal alien patterns. Then get your kids to gobble them up – they don’t taste as weird as they look!

Want more help with these out-of-this-world Halloween crafts for kids? Then use this kid-friendly version of the instructions, packed with extra detail and pics!


Cool spooky bowls!

halloween crafts for kids | a boy dressed as Frankenstein with green skin and a black jacket is holding a papier-mache bowl decorated to look like Frankenstein's face

What you need:

Balloon; newspaper; flour; water; bowl; spoon; paintbrushes; paints; black card; string; pencil; scissors; glue.

How to do it:

  1. 1. Mix one cup of flour and two cups of water together in a bowl to make the papier-mâché mixture. Then blow up the balloon.
  2. 2. Rip the newspaper into strips. Dip each strip into the papier-mâché mixture and stick them onto the balloon. Once the balloon is totally covered with paper, leave it to dry.
  3. 3. After that layer of papier-mâché has dried, add a second one all over the balloon. Once that layer is dry, pop the balloon! Use scissors to cut the narrow end off, leaving a wide bowl made of newspaper.
  4. 4. Next, draw Frankenstein’s monster’s face onto the bowl with a pencil – or whatever other spooky sight your family wishes! Eerie eyeballs, grinning pumpkins or skeleton faces would all work well.
  5. 5. Paint over the design and leave it to dry.
  6. 6. If your family opted for a Frankenstein’s monster design, cut two bolt shapes out of card and stick them to each side of the bowl. Card bones or other shapes would also work here.
  7. 7. Carefully make a hole either side of the bowl, thread the string through and tie a knot to create the handle. Time to try it out!

Wacky witches’ fingers!

a group of carrot 'fingers' sit in a bowl of green guacamole

What you need:

Carrots; soft cheese or peanut butter; flaked almonds and a dip of your choice. We used guacamole!

How to do it:

  1. 1. Choose four thin carrots to make the fingers, and a thicker one for the thumb. Chop them down to roughly the length of a finger.
  2. 2. Carefully cut a shallow, flat notch at the tip of each carrot. This is where the ‘fingernail’ will sit.
  3. 3. Grab some fingernail-sized flaked almonds and stick them in place using a dab of soft cheese or peanut butter.
  4. 4. Arrange the gruesome snack in a bowl of your kids’ favourite dip.

If your children would rather make their own Halloween snacks, hand over this kid-friendly recipe for them to follow. There are pics for every step!

Did your family enjoy these Halloween crafts for kids? Try our ‘magic’ science tricks next!

Images © Valerie Rowles.



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